We then working with other organizations like Smart Choices to try and help people to know and how to take care of themselves.
We are not done there also but we still want to get more involved with other organizations and health departments where we can be able to get more help for people.
We also want to at last end up becoming a resource center for people living with HIV/AIDS. We visit schools, Varsities and other place to teach about HIV/AIDS, trying to play a good role as a church in affecting peoples lives in a positive way. You may also come on board f you feel the need of helping the community.
We want to become a resource center for our community and our you especial who are affected also by drugs and alcohol abuse which turns them to criminals and unacceptable behaviors. In that also you can come on board if you have any information or anything that can help our community by contacting us on (nehemiahfamilychurch@gmail.com / xgbadat@gmail.com) or phone Pastor Xolani Goodenough Badat on +2783 341 6702 anytime, we need your help for a good health of the people.
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