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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Starting a new church in Embabe in S.A.

We have started a new church in KwesakwaMthethwa in Richard's Bay S.A. in April and everything is going well.  We have found a plot to build a church and now we are starting a new project in trying to get some funds and resources to build the church and we need people who can help us to contact Pastor Badat on 083 341 6702.

Here are some of the pictures of the new church and the place/ house we are meeting presentlly.
                                                 Some N.F.C.I. Embabe church members
                                                           Time to praise and worship
                                               Pastor Badat teaching about small groups

                                 Checking the old house we will use for our church meetings

                            Pastor Badat together with Xolani the keyboard player of the church

                                  Mrs Badat checking the inside of this house for clearning
                            This is the house we are going to use in the meantime for worship

Friday, June 3, 2011


What a wonderful Easter conference we had in the church this year.  Things happenned, God was with us, people got new vibe for Jesus, lots of things were happenning and all of us we wer touched by the Word of God and the good fellowship we had as the church.

All our church branches were together and everything went well, and the we were blessed spiritually very much through the Word of God and everything the church members did together with music. 
Our church easter conference this year of 2011 was in Esikhawini in Richard's Bay South Africa,  If you wish to visit us anytime in the year to come and experience the way we will live and worship God please let us know on our church email (nehemiahfamilychurch@gmail.com)

                                                          N.F.C.I. Youth Church Choir
                                                Senior Pastor X.G. Badat was preaching
                                              Mrs P.N. Badat Ministering through music

Here are some of the pictures we had for the conference.

The New bigennings for the church in Embabe

We started a crusade in that area from February 2011 till April and God was with us that lot of people got saved and we started a church.  People are so passionate in that area for the gospel and they wanted to get our own site and start building a church for them.

God came to our aid in that time and one of our converts proposed to donate to our church a piece of land so we can build a church for the community.  While we are still on that issue we found another place that we can meet in the meetime and here is the picture of that place, and we are going to sort it out and clearn it and make usable and become tha church.  Just watch the space and we will take you through this project. 

On that also we need people who will sponsor us with building materials so we can get off the ground and have something for that community because there is no church in the area where we at.  If you need more information please contact Pastor Badat at 083 341 6702 / xgbadat@gmail.com.

                                              Here are some of those pictures.

The Vegetables garden Embabe

We as the church with the outreach vision, we have tried to organize a place for the people of Embabe that we in the Tent crusade to come and plant vegetables so they can be able get food for their families and for themselves.

Not onlt that, they can even use those vegetables for reaching out to the community and for selling.  One of our church members in that area offered to give us a piece of land that we can use for vegetables and we manged to clearn it.  Now we are asking for people out there who may want to have an input in that community by supporting or donating to us the seeds for that garden.

The length of that garden in +- 100m and +-30 m wide, which means we can do lot for that community in helping them to have food through the ground.  Here are the pictures of that land.

                                        Senior Pastor X.G. Badat with Pastor S.A. Moyane 

                                   Pastor Badat with NFCI planting team of Embabe church
                                              Now we are planting the seed on the ground

The 1st NFCI Tent Outreach in 2011

This was the vision we had in 2010 that as from 2011 we as the (Nehemiah Family Church International) NFCI we want to go out there to the lost and preach the Good News of the Kingdom through Jesus Christ.  Yes, God was with and managed to start our 1st Tent outreach in in KwesakwaMthethwa (Embabe) in the outscert of Kwambonambi Town.

This plas is still real rural area but there is now now in some other places a tar road.  The place we were preaching in people are in real need of food, clothings, jobs, etc here are some of the pictures of the one of the homes we were residing in and we will show you how did the crusade went throughout that month and what has happened after that.

This is the house in kwaMthethwa where we were staying in for the crusade.