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Monday, February 7, 2011

The Prison Ministry

We as the body of Christ believes that the devil is in the world and wants to destroy peoples lives and take them away from the love of Christ.

That is why we have the prison ministry where we go out to the prison cells to preach to the offenders and let them know that Jesus loves them inspite and will change their lives if they receives him in their heart.  We visit prison's that are close to us to pass the Good news of salvation to the offenders.
  Here are some of the picture on the ministry that Pastor Badat and the Church are doing.

Here we were with other team in Nigel Prison in Gauteng, during the Kairos Bible Church outreach mission that we network with.

 Here Pastor was ministering in Qalakabusha correctional service in Empangeni north of Kwazulu Natal.

These were the inmates from Qalakabusha prison.

Some of the inmates who were giving their testimonies during the service.

One of the inmates was interpreting for the Pastor as he was preaching on that service.

The Come Alongside Church

God is always good to everyone and he did show us his love in the few past years for connecting us with another church that became a friend to our church.

We have Richard's Bay Community Church which is a best friend of the Nehemiah Family Church that we closely network with and we are like one family with that church.  We met that church and became friend since 2003 till to date and they have been a real blessing to us as a church more especial to our Senior Pastor Badat and his wife.  Even in the times when he was involved in the car accident they were the only church that took care of him  and they were with them through upp's and down's.

We are so proud of that church and its leadership and that is why we wanted so much to involved them in this webpage because they are part of us and they are always by our side.  Here is the picture of Pastor Larry and his wife when they visited our Pastor and his family in Esikhaleni (S.A. Richard's Bay)

We are just family with this family of God.  Here are some of the pictures of the things we do with youth of this church in the community where we are preaching, we organize games for kids.

Giving out something to eat

God loved people, He even said in
Mat 25:34  Then the King will say to the people on his right, 'Come, you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been prepared for you ever since the creation of the world.
Mat 25:35  I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes,
Mat 25:36  naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.'
Mat 25:37  The righteous will then answer him, 'When, Lord, did we ever see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you a drink?
Mat 25:38  When did we ever see you a stranger and welcome you in our homes, or naked and clothe you?
Mat 25:39  When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you?'
Mat 25:40  The King will reply, 'I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these followers of mine, you did it for me!' 


 When we do the food distribution we have the meeting where look at how many parcels we have and how many family are there so we can see what to do.  God has blessed us through Richard's Bay Community Church which came alongside us with the same vision of touching peoples lives and they normally through their church members jenerousity contribute in getting the food parcels for these needy families that we take care of.  It is much of the strain to them for now because it is only them and that is why we need more people to come on board in helping the community to get something to eat.

In this picture below I am with the Pastor of the Richard's Bay Community Church - Pastor Lary Chisensky the good friend of ours the Nehemiah Family Church.

We believe in the love of God and that is why we want to help people out there and you can do the same and come on board with the little you have, maybe financially, food, your presence when we do this visits etc, please contact us.  Here are some of other pictures of food parcels that we give to the community.

Can we give a helping hand

Look what we preach with our youth in the community.  We do outreaches where we travel around the neighborhood to help clean the yard our neighbors.  The gospel we preach is not only in words but we believe in action.  Another quote says," "Love is visible in action"

We as a church believe in that and we always aim to live in that, the gospel we preach must be accompanied by the actions we show to the people out there.
 I as a Pastor X.G. Badat was helping and enjoying myself in building another lady's house in the community because she did not have a place to stay and you can also see in the pictures below the house she was living in

Below is another houses we wish to help in rebuilding if God provides funds and materials etc.  We are a church that aims high in touching peoples lives and that is why we also need help from other individuals who might have an interest in helping people out there with the little they have.

please do take a closer look at these few pictures of these home and tell me that if you were asked to go and live in that house what would you do or say, which is the question that one must ask what would Jesus do if he was here and saw what you see now

Here are some of the homes that we visits and have taken their pictures for you;

To conclude in this page, what we need from you.  We want your heart, if you feel the touch to help us help this communty, please email us your comments and input and information or your contact details to ( xgbadat@gmail.com / nehemiahfamilychurch@gmail.com) or phone Pastor Xolani Goodenough Badat on +2783 341 6702 anytime.

We need cements, sand, money, blocks, bricks, roof materials etc.  The little you can give for these souls will be much appreciated and blessed by our father God who love you and those families.

The outreach we do in schools

We believe that there is great potential in this schools where the youth are.  Jesus went to the lost and he did not spent much of His time in the church.  That is why we aim high to visits the schools and pass the Good news of Jesus Christ to the students where they are.
Some of them they their families do not attend any church and some don't even have a family and we must be there to show them that Jesus loves them and help them in whatever way.  We do schools visits and also Universities to pass this Good News and we believe God is going to touch them and change their lives complete.

Another outreach we did in Muzi P. School in Gobandlovu in Kzn
This is the outreach we did when we were reaching out to the kids in their schools also teaching them about their rights and how to live with other people who are not from their own countries.  We shared to them of how God made us in His image and how should we apply that to other people.

Everything went well in that school and the kids were happy and challenged and they did learn a lot in that outreach.  Here are some of those picture we had in that outreach.

Chatting with one of the schools principals about issues that affects the students and the teachers in the community.