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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


God is so Good,  What a blessing to have a blessed youth conference for 2011 in Embabe NFCI Church.  Young people were there and we had a very good time of fellowship and powerful messages together with anointed music.  NFCI is going far from this year, because God is with us, wherever we go we can see the the hand and the blessings of God in our lives.

We had a very powerful youth conference in that area from 01 till the 03 of July 2011 and things were happenning.  God is with our church now, and we can feel that it is now our time.  That is why we need people who wish to be on board to connect with in changing peoples lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ and our actions to contact us.

Here are some of the pictures of what we are doing.


You won't believe what God has done through me in Thandizwe Location in Manguza North of S.A. close to the border gate to Mozambique.

I was invited by Fundisani mission as their guest preacher for their youth conference which started on the 27 till the 03 of July 2011.  Many people came to know the Jesus as their personal savior in that confernce and I think they were very close to 100 souls in those 4 days that came to the lord.

The messages were very challenging and building up both the spiritual and the physical man and people were equiped and challenged by the messeges.  This is what I always pray for to be used by God in this present times and with His special annointing.  Here are some of the pictures of that conference, but before the picture here are some of the sermon that I preached there but please mind it is in Zulu language.

                                           Following very closelly through in the word of God
                                          People giving their lives to Jesus Christ as their savior
                                          In the table together with chief of Izinduna's Dr. Hobe
The church of Manguza (S.A.) gave the the honour/appreciation Certitficate
                                          Time to praise and worshipn in the tent outreach
Time to hear the message
                                          Take a look at the responses from the youth and the
                                                                           young ones
                                                          This is the time for the message