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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Another move in Emanguza

God is at Work in Manguza

I was once again invited in Emanguza to come and help the church in different ministry skills.  God was with us because lots of things happened there, the revelations that we had and the team work that was there in that church.  More then all the commitment of Baba Chief Hobe (Umkhulu) in welcoming me to his place to render the services so to grow the the body of Christ.

Those people are committed especially the youth.  I was invited there for the whole week, but I tell you the results we had on the forth day it was like the people who were attending those services were there for a long time.  Some of them they a practical exposure in preaching and sharing the word of God, because I thought them how to share the Good news to everybody.

Here are some of the pictures of what was happening and there and the time I had, I enjoyed being there and will go back now and again to that place because people are still hungry for God in Manguza.

                                                    On my arival in Manguza for my mission

Our 2011 Nehemiah Family Church International Thanksgiving Convention

2011 NFCI Convention

We feel so very sorry for all who were not part of church convention this year which was held in Esikhawini.  God was with us and we started bu having a tent crusade from the 12th of September up until the 14th of October where we started our convention for that whole weekend.

Things are happening in the church, and people were praising God for His faithfulness in the church and the wonderful things He has done for us together as a church and for blessing people in the special needs.  We saw the church growing and like we started a new church in the area of Embabe in Richard's Bay in S.A. in February but they were in the convention with the church membership of 56 people who are full time in that church.  In the year of 2012 we wish to start at least three if not four new churches around Kzn God willing where there will be an open door, and we want to build our two buildings for our churches 1 esikhawini and the other in Embabe for that new church.

Here are some of the pictures of what was happening in that convention

                                       This is a photo of the ladies together in that convention of 2011
                                                                 Time for musical items

              Here Miss N.P. Tsinde was ministering to the church in one of the sessions that we had

                                             This is Esikhawini branch Church Board of 2012

                         This is Nehemiah Family Church International Executive Church Board of 2012
                                           This is Embabe branch in Richard's Bay Church Board of 2012

                    How about the Senior Pastor and founder X.G. Badat giving the church a Zulu dance