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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Promoting Peace towards local people immigrants

We as the Nehemiah Family Church know that as we are there people who are from different countries and race, and some not even from hear in South Africa.  Now as a church, we are not called to serve a particular group of people only or a particular race, but we are called to all of them.

Therefore we have to cater for all people and race they belong too.  That is why we have to celebrate our cultures and promote acceptance towards each other no matter where one person come from.  When he or she is here he/she is your brother and sister.

That is why we do outreaches also to schools and wherever people are to teach them about acceptance and we promote that people have to be proud of who they are and they must live their lives freely with no fear.  We have put some pictures where we go out to reach and equip people about loving one another as Christ has loved us.

No to Women and Children abuse

We as Nehemiah Family Church we support the initiative that there must be no violence of any kind towards any human beings, mostlly women, children and those who are affected by HIV/AIDS in our communities.

We were involved in a 16 days of Activivism that was launched in a candle lighting in Eshowe KwaZulu Regional Christian Councel (KRCC) where our Bishop took part in that March and did light the kindly for that launch.

These are the pictures of that day.

The ladies Christmas fellowship

This was a good time to share with each other the things that God had done for them in the whole of 2011.  the ladies were together as they belong to elders of the church, they were fellowshiping together and sharing lots of things like breacking of bread, blessing one another with gifts on that day.

It was such a blessing for them to close the year in that tune.  In that they even have some other good plans for the 2012, to build and helping out other ladies and also to reach out to those ladies that are unreached by the gospel.

Here are some of their pictures.