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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Youth Conference

The Bible says in the book of Ecc 11:9  Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment.

That is why we as the church do cater for our young people because we know that they are the leaders of tomorrow and which means we have to train them today to live tomorrow.  We do youth meetings and conferences where young people meet together to share their life experiences and teachings from the Word of God.  We also do outings like camps and time outs, to go and have some fun.  We provide life skills training's to them and equip them in reaching their dreams.

We also connect them with our youth from other churches so they can exchange information and also we put them in their youth groups, where they learn, sing, play, teach, etc.  Lastly, we do bible studies with them so they can grow in relationship with Jesus Christ.  Here are some of the pictures of the youth on their conference.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Reaching out the Souls

We as the church we believe in Mat 28:19, where Jesus said, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Mat 28:20  teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

Therefore we try by all means to reach the lost wherever they are through any possible way we can use in that place.  We believe that we all sinners and therefore we are in need of God's grace over our lives.  That is why we go out and do outreaches like open air meetings, tent outreaches, etc as you can see some of the pictures so we can win souls for Jesus Christ.

Nehemiah Family Church International Mission Statement

Our contact information

Postal Address:
Nehemiah Family Church
P.O. Box 11340
South Africa


E-mail: nfcidesk@gmail.com / xgbadat@gmail.com
Tel: +2783 341 6702, +27844553067

Our brief information about the church.

This is our Mission, Vision and Values
Mission, Vision and Values help members understand why the church exists (mission), what is trying to accomplish (vision) and the values or principles that guide its behaviors and decision making process.

Our Mission Statement
1    We as the Nehemiah Family Church are called to the live and operate in a vision where Yahweh comfort.  We also operate through our motive words that says ( "We are people with the mission"), which is driven by the words that are taken from the Bible in book of Isaiah 11:9 where is says (  for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea).

Our vision

1.  We are called to bring and to win the lost back to the kingdom of Jesus Christ through  
      evangelism and in any ways possible of outreach.
2.  We are called to care and to comfort the lives of people both spiritually and physically.
3,  We are called to equip and release people to go out and expand the kingdom of God.

Our Core Values

1.  To bring God's presence to the world
2.  We are a Family church where we everyone is welcome and cared for, as treated as a family.
3.  We reach out to the community with the gospel of Jesus Christ by putting faith into action.
4.  We teach people the Word of God and life skills so they can also teach others in their community and win people for Jesus Christ.
5.  We are a church that is driven by God's love (AGAPE), integrity, with Gods mission to touch lives and to build families. 

Values and Principles
1     1.  Preaching Jesus Christ as The only savior for the sins of the world
2     2.  Believing in the Holy Scriptures the Bible as the Word that was inspired by God.
3     3.  Submitting to the operations of the Holy Spirit in church and in our everyday lives.
4     4.  Becoming witnesses of the gospel to the whole world where God opens the door for us.
5     5.  Commitment to the church and the vision we are called into and have submitted to.